Producem ambalaje ( cutii) metalice la dimensiunea, forma si design-ul dorite de catre client. Intrebuintari :
1) ambalarea de: lacuri, vopseluri, conserve si alte produse alimentare, soventi, uleiuri precum si alte produse chimice sau cosmetice.
2) cutii folosite ca si obiecte de decor COSMETICS – PROMOTIONAL ITEMS
The industry has a considerable share in the cosmetics and promotional cans. These cans are characterised by high quality and appealing design contributing greatly to the success of the promotional products.DECORATIVE CHILDREN CANS
The tin for kids are made in a great variety of sizes and designs covering all quality specifications and regulations in order to meet and exceed safety requirements.
The industry produces tin plate cans of different sizes lithographer or plain for food packaging. The strict quality control in lithography and can making process, ensure the maintenance of high quality standards for food packaging.
The tin plate cans for industrial oils, lubricants and chemical packaging vary from size 0.2 lt to 25 lt and cover all market needs. The cans packaging are in accordance with all technical specifications and quality regulations of the international standards.
The industry produces α great range size of tin plate cans for packaging of paints, solvents and varnishes, ensuring high quality products by:
• Τhe latest technological equipment
• Strict quality control in each production stage
• Maintenance of the highest technical specifications
• Excellent tin-can lithography
• Ideal packaging for any transportation needs